
Tips for a Healthy High School Social Life
Taking care of these recommendations you will have a good school year.

Author: Father Michael Sliney, LC | Source: Regnum Christi Live

1. Avoid dating. Better to socialize as a group; most teenagers are not mature enough to enter into an intense relationship.

2. Curfew. Parents should be at the door ready to smell their breath, ask questions and exact tough punishments if they are late or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Nothing good happens after midnight.

3. Choose your best friends wisely. Look for friends with a stable family background, a strong Faith and firm moral convictions. A friend should inspire and challenge you!

4. Only attend parties offered by friends and families who you know very well and can trust.

5. Dances. Ask yourself if you would be comfortable introducing this particular person with whom you would like to dance to your parents. Respect women!

6. Why not combine fun with service, for example to serve food at a soup kitchen on a Friday or Saturday night with your friends?

7. If you truly want to excel academically, you need to limit Facebook, social texting and video games to Friday night thru Sunday.





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