St. Catald of Taranto

Also known as:
- Catald of Tarentum
- Catald of Rachau
- Cataldus of Taranto
- Cathal of Taranto
- Cattaldo of Taranto
- Cathaluds of Taranto
- Cataldo of Taranto
7th century in Munster, Ireland
Short Biography:
Student at the monastic school of Lismore, Waterford under Saint Carthage. Later he was a teacher there, and then headmaster. Pilgrim to the Holy Land. On his way home a storm shipwrecked him in Taranto, Italy. As he recovered, his holiness was such that he was chosen by the people to be their bishop. He lived the rest of his life in the region, teaching and caring for his parishioners. There are towns in Sicily and southern Italy named as him.
c.685 in Taranto, Italy of natural causes.
Relics were discovered centuries after his death during a renovation of the cathedral following its damage by Saracens in 927.
Relics were translated on 10 May 1017.
Remarkable cures reported almost immediately at his new tomb.
- against blindness
- against drought
- against epilepsy
- against hernias
- against paralysis
- against plague
- against storms
- blind people
- drought relief
- epileptics
- paralyzed people
- Massa Lubrense, Italy
- Taranto, Italy