St. Cyril of Turov

Born wealthy. Fluent in Greek and Russian, he read heavily in all sacred works, and was later known as a Bible scholar. When he was grown, he renounced his inheritance, and became a monk in the Turov Borisoglebsk monastery. Preached discipline and obedience to his brother monks. Cyril wrote about the monastic life, and some of his works have survived the centuries.
Believing that even the monastic life was too distracting, he became a hermit on a pillar. His simple life, scholarly background, and reputation of sanctity drew many would-be followers. Bishop of Turov. Correspondent with and counselor to prince Andrei Bogoliubsky on spiritual matters and relations between the Church and state. An exponent of Greek tradition on Russian soil. Renowned orator and preacher, usually on the Passion and Resurrection. He spent his later years writing on spiritual matters.