
Bl. Mark Fantucci
April 10, Blessed


Born wealthy and known as an excellent student. Lawyer. In his mid-20’s he felt a call to religious life and gave up his career to enter the Franciscan in 1430, taking the name Marcus. Priests. Guardian of the monastery of Monte Colombo. Noted preacher in Italy, Istria, and Dalmatia. Provincial and then Vicar General of the Franciscans. A reformer who worked to take the Order back to the spirituality and observance of their roots. Worked with Saint Catherine of Bologna to set up a Poor Clare monastery in Bologna, Italy. When Pope Paul II said he wanted to elevate Marcus to Cardinal, he fled to Sicily to avoid it. Helped to set up the Monti di Pietà, charitable pawn shops to help the poor escape greedy money lenders. Helped defeat the plan of Pope Sixtus IV to unite all branches of the Franciscans.

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