Blessed Peter de Geremia

Educated at the University of Bologna, Italy; brilliant law student. One night while he meditated on the worldly success he would have, he was visited by the spirit of a deceased relative, a man who had also been a lawyer, whose pride and perjury had lost him his chance at paradise. Shaken, Peter devoted himself to prayer, asking for his vocation. Soon he received a word that he should become a Dominican. In a rage, his father came to Bologna to stop him, but when he saw completely happy Peter was in religious life, the older man gave him his blessing. Peter became one of the finest preachers in Sicily, always preaching in the open air because no church was large enough to hold the crowds. Visited by Saint Vincent Ferrer. Abbey prior.
One day when there was no food for the community, Peter asked a fisherman for a donation; he was rudely refused. Getting into a boat, Peter rowed from the shore and made a sign to the fish; the creatures broke the nets and followed Peter. The fisherman apologized, Peter made another sign to the fish, and they returned to the nets. The monastery was ever afterwards supplied with fish.
Sent to establish regular observance in Sicilian monasteries. Called to Florence, Italy by the Pope to help heal the Greek schism; he managed a brief union. He was offered a bishopric, but refused.
Once when Peter was preaching at Catania, Mount Etna erupted and lava flowed toward the city. The people begged Peter to save them. He preached a brief sermon on repentance, went to the nearby shrine of Saint Agatha, removed the saint‘s veil, and held it towards the lava flow. The eruption ceased and the town was saved.
Peter was known as a miracle worker, raising the dead to life, healing the crippled and the blind, and converting sinners.