
St. John Pelingotto
June 1, Blessed


Also known as
    • John Pelino Goto
    •  Giovanni Pelino Goto
    •    1 June
    • Son of a wealthy merchant, John cared nothing for business, wealth or worldly success and preferred to live as a hermit. He eventually felt a call to help the poor and sick in the world, and gave away food, clothes and wealth, going hungry, living in rags, wearing a rope around his neck to indicate that he was a sinner in need of punishment, and falling into lengthy ecstasy. His family worried about his health, both physical and mental, and they had to bring him in from the street. He became a Franciscan tertiary, and with the support and discipline they provided, he was able to properly devote his life to prayer and charity.


  • 1240 at Urbino, Italy

    •  1 June 1304 in Urbino, Italy
    •  buried in the cloister cemetery at the San Francesco monastery, Urbino
    •  many miracles reported at his grave
    •  re-interred in the church at the cloister

    •  13 November 1918 by Pope Benedict XV (cultus confirmed)

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