
St. Eustochia Calafato
January 20, Virgin.

Source: The Lives of the Saints, Volume 1

Roman martyrology: In the city of Messina in Sicily (now Italy), holy Eustochia Calafato, virgin, abbess of The Order of the Poor Clares. who dedicated herself with all her might to restore primitive discipline of regular life after the example of St. Francis (1485)

Canonization date:  June 11, 1998, Messina by Pope John Paul II  at Messina, Sicily, Italy.


Born March 25, 1434 at Annunziata, Messina, Italy as Smerelda Colonna. Daughter of Count Bernardo and Countess Macaldo Romano Colonna, Sicilian nobles and wealthy merchants. Legend says she was born in a stable because her mother had received a vision directing her there. Raised and educated by her pious mother, the girl felt drawn to the religious life from an early age.

Eustochia received a vision, the image of Christ Crucified. The experience led her to join the Poor Clare Convent of Santa Maria di Basico against the wishes of the rest of her family. Her brothers threatened to burn down the convent, and Smerelda returned home. However, seeing the girl's true devotion and desire they relented, and she returned to the convent, taking her vows and the name Eustochia.

Noted for her self-imposed penances and austerities. Believing her convent locked sufficient discipline, she joined the reform-minded Poor Clare community at Santa Maria Acommodata in 1457, a community whose discipline was so severe that local Franciscan priests refused to say Mass there, fearing they were encouraging impious excesses. She was soon joined by a blood sister and a niece. In 1463 the group relocated to Monte delle Vergini (Maiden's Hill).

Elected abbess in 1464. Noted for her devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and to the poor of the area. The local lay people considered her their patron and protector, the cloister a place of refuge, especially during the earthquakes that rocked the area.

She died January 20, 1491 at Messina, Sicily, Italy. Entombed in the apse of the Sanctuary of Montevergine, Messina with her body incorrupt.


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