Prayer to Christ in His Passion

Prayer to Christ in His Passion
Let us all with one voice cry, Lord, have mercy.
Thou who wert led as a sheep to be crucified,
Lord, have mercy.
Thou who from the Cross didst look down upon Thy Mother and Thy disciple,
look with pity from heaven upon us,
Lord, have mercy.
Thou who by shedding Thy blood hast redeemed the world,
Lord, have mercy.
Thou who didst commend Thy spirit to the Father,
Lord, have mercy.
Make us by Thy Cross to obtain forgiveness,
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, the only-begotten Son of the unbegotten Father,
who this day was slain for us,
the innocent for the ungodly,
remember the price of Thy Blood
and blot out the sins of all Thy people;
and as Thou west pleased to endure for us reproaches,
spitting, bonds, blows, the scourge,
the Cross, the nails, the bitter cup,
death, the spear, and lastly burial,
vouchsafe to us wretched ones,
for whom Thou didst suffer this,
the infinite blessedness of the heavenly kingdom,
that we who bow down in reverence for Thy Passion
may be raised up to things heavenly
in the joys of Thy resurrection.