
St. Agnes
January 21, Virgin and martyr.

Author: Andie Rocha | Source:,,,, and

Virgin and martyr.  

Roman martyrology: Saint Agnes was a young virgin martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.

Etymology: Derived from Greek ‘αγνος (hagnos) meaning "chaste".



Few legends of saints have been more cherished than that of the virgin martyr Agnes. She was held in high regard by the Christian Church, and her name has remained a symbol of maidenly purity through the ages.

St. Agnes of Rome was born in 291 AD and raised in a Christian family. She was very beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Her hand in marriage was highly sought after, and she had many high-ranking men chasing after her. However, Agnes made a promise to God never to stain her purity. Her love for the Lord was great and she hated sin even more than death.

Whenever a man wished to marry Agnes, she would always say, "Jesus Christ is my only Spouse." When she was perhaps twelve or thirteen years old, when Diocletian began his persecutions. According to legend, in one incident, Procop, the Governor's son, became very angry when she refused him. He tried to win her for his wife with rich gifts and promises, but the beautiful young girl kept saying, "I am already promised to the Lord of the Universe. He is more splendid than the sun and the stars, and He has said He will never leave me."

Procop felt insulted by her devotion to God and purity, so he accused her of being a Christian and brought her to his father, the Governor. The Governor promised Agnes wonderful gifts if she would only deny God, but Agnes refused. He tried to change her mind by putting her in chains, but her lovely face shone with joy. Next he sent her to a place of sin, but an Angel protected her. At last, Agnes was condemned and executed. She died a virgin-martyr at the age of 12 or 13 on 21 January 304 and buried beside the Via Nomentana in Rome.

In 1858, Father Caspar Rehrl, an Austrian missionary founded the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes and the daughter of Constantine built a basilica in her honor.

St. Agnes is widely known as the patron saint of young girls. She is also the patron saint of chastity, rape survivors and the Children of Mary.


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