
Bl. Christina Ciccarelli
January 18, Virgin and abbess.

Author: Andie Rocha | Source:

Virgin and abbess.

Roman martyrology: In the city of L'Aquila, in Italy, Blessed Christina Ciccarelli, was a virgin  of the Order of Saint Augustine.

Etymology: From the masculine, medieval Latin name Christianus meaning "a Christian".



Abbess. Prophet, healer, and visionary, noted for her piety, humility, generosity to the poor, and ecstasies; sought after as a spiritual director by people from all walks of life.

Blessed Christina lived in the sixteenth century. She was born in Abruzzi, Italy on a February 24th  in 1480. Her baptismal name was Matthia and she was the youngest of six children of Domenico and Mary de Pericolo. From early age she felt drawn to the religious life, As she grew up, Matthia felt the call to a life of prayer and penance. She chose to become a cloistered nun; Matthia entered the convent of St. Augustine in Aquila and took the name of Sister Christina.

Sister Christina's life as a nun was hidden and silent, but the people of Aquila began to find out about the beauty of her vocation. She and the other nuns were bringing many blessings to them through their prayerful dedication. Sister Christina was cloistered but she was very aware of the needs of the poor people of her area. She and the nuns provided for them whatever they could. Sister Christina also kept herself aware of the crosses and sufferings people experienced so she prayed and offered penances to the Lord for their intentions.

Jesus blessed Sister Christina with ecstasies and the ability on occasion to know the future. The Lord even used her to work miracles for the good of others. On the feast of Corpus Christi, Christina was seen to levitate, and the image of a Host in a golden consecrated host seemed to have radiated from her breast. A vision on Good Friday caused invisible stigmata and the pains of Crucifixion until the next day.

 When she died, the little children of Aquila went through the streets shouting that the holy nun was dead. It was January 18, 1543 and a large crowd of people came to honor and thank her for the gift she had been for their city.


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