
Promises of Consolation to Christ
We will console Thee, Oh Lord...


Promises of Consolation to Christ

We promise for the future that

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the way Thou art neglected in Thy holy tabernacle,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the crimes of sinners,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the sacrileges which profane Thy Sacrament of Love,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the irreverence displayed in Thy presence,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the coldness on the part of Thy children,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For their contempt of Thy loving invitations,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the faithlessness of those who call themselves Thy


We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the bad example we have given,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For the abuse of Thy grace,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For our long delay in loving Thee,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For our past sins,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For our own unfaithfulness,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For our indifference in Thy service,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For keeping Thee waiting at the door of our hearts,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.


For Thy sighs and tears,

We will console Thee, Oh Lord.



An Act of Abandonment

Oh my God, I thank you and I praise

you for accomplishing your holy

and all-lovable will without any regard for mine.

With my whole heart,

in spite of my heart,

do I receive this cross I feared so much!


It is the cross of Your choice,

the cross of Your love.

I venerate it;

nor for anything in the world

would I wish that it had not come,

since You willed it.


I keep it with gratitude and with joy,

as I do everything that comes from Your hand;

and I shall strive to carry it without letting it drag,

with all the respect

and all the affection which Your works deserve.




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