From Sin to Love
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Por: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Fuente:

Sin leaves deep traces and lasting wounds. One of its greatest damage is to plunge the sinner into sadness, bitterness, hopelessness. Another damage is that of let-it-go: if I fall again and again on the same thing, why fight for change? A deeper and subtler damage is to come to the idea that, deep down, sin is not so bad and could even be good for one in his current situation.

For the Christian, sin is always a grave offense to love. Sin leads man to go against God, by opting for his selfishness, and against others, by preferring one's well-being to the detriment of others.

If the offense is serious and involves a disorder in the universe, God's lying hand can bring about radical change, even a situation paradoxically favorable for good.

The sinner who asks for mercy, who feels forgiven, allows the entry into the world of an immense infusion of good and hope. God's action, in offering his forgiveness, arouses in the hearts a "new creation".

"Be converted and turned away from all your crimes; there is no more chance for you to blame. Get rid of all the crimes you have committed against me, and make yourself a new heart and a new spirit. Why should ye die, house of Israel? I am not pleased in the death of anyone, whoever it may be, the oracle of Lord Yahweh. Be converted and lived" (Ez 18:30-32).

The heart that is touched by God's forgiveness enters into a new life and begins to exist in the kingdom of mercy. If he suffered before under the chains of sin, he now enjoys in the world of love.

“Who we were "non-people" before, we can become the People of God. Those of us who live without compassion can now be pitied”(cf. 1P 2:10).

The incarnation, the death, and the resurrection of Christ, have opened the doors of heaven and mercy. If sin introduced the mystery of evil into the world, the Son's obedience to the Father has provoked the deepest revolution in human history: forgiveness.

Whoever accepts this forgiveness, who lets himself be touched by the redeeming love of Christ, can no longer rethink or live as a sinner. Whoever has been touched by mercy, and has opened his soul to conversion, begins to live in the world of love.

"What shall we say, then? That we must remain in sin for grace to multiply? No way! Those of us who have died to sin, how to continue to live in it? Or do you ignore that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized in his death? We were therefore buried with him by baptism in death, so that just as Christ was risen from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too may live a new life.For if we have done the same thing with him for a death similar to his, we will also be done by such a resurrection; knowing that our old man was crucified with him, that this body of sin might be destroyed and cease to be slaves to sin" (Rom 6:1-6).

“From sin, erased by the Lord's cross, we can move toward love. Whoever has received so much love can only respond with love. Those who have been forgiven begin to understand that he too needs to forgive his brethren” (cf. Lk 6:37).

“Only then will we be like the Father of heaven, who is good to all, including the ungrateful and the wicked” cf. Lk 6:35).

Because sadly one day I was a sinner. But Jesus, in his goodness, said to me, "Neither do I count you. Go away, and do not sin.”