Safe sex? The statistics speak
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The concept of safe sex has been applied for more than a decade by advertising campaigns aimed at reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and unexpected pregnancies. These campaigns are based on the transmission of the concept of a sexual activity unrestricted, with the assurance that undesirable events will not occur.

Sexual activity implies a unitive and procreative action; the procreative consequence of sexual activity was the initial motivation for the creation of contraception techniques and methods, among them the condom or condom. In later studies, it was found that the use of condoms could reduce the frequency of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases so that its use and dissemination was immediately extended to the whole world.

In the last two decades, young people and adolescents begin their sexual activity in earlier stages and with a greater number of sexual partners during their lifetime; these two events, coupled with the fact that the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases is greater in young people than in adults, motivated the creation of massive campaigns directed towards young people, presenting the condom as the seat belt that It would allow for safe sex.
In recent years, after accumulating the experiences of decades, statistics of sexually transmitted diseases and unexpected pregnancies among adolescents demonstrate the inefficiency of safe sex campaigns as they have been managed until today. Statistics speak for themselves, after intense campaigns in this regard in the United States, 10% of women between 15 and 19 years of age, are pregnant; one in eight adolescents acquires a sexually transmitted disease every year. Although experts found that many of these adolescents do not use condoms on a continuous, one of the problems is that it is publicized the idea that sex is safe, and with this increases the number of sexual activity at risk.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States reports that condom use decreased from 49 percent, in 1995, to 33 percent in 1990, in adolescent women, and 61 to 39 percent in adolescent males. This decrease in condom use is not related to a decrease in sexual risk activity among young people; In fact, the problem has acquired characteristics of the global epidemic.

The Institute of Medicine has described it as the hidden epidemic, millions of dollars and the effort of public health agencies, doctors and other professionals of health have made huge and unsuccessful efforts to control this epidemic.
The continued insistence of these programs reveals a commitment to political ideologies and scientific blindness. Objectivity should govern future efforts to reduce sexually transmitted infections, clinicians informed by scientific research must take the lead and rewrite this clinical paradigm.
In 1997, the Institute of Medical committees for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases published a report titled The Hidden Epidemic -confronting sexually transmitted diseases; In short, the conclusions are as follows:

1. More than 12 million Americans, three million of whom are adolescents, are infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
2. The STD adds up to 87 percent of all reported cases among the 10 most common diseases in the United States.
3. In the last 20 years, eight new sex pathogens (viruses, bacteria, among others) were discovered.
4. Women and adolescents are infected with STD, disproportionately, and the consequences and complications are greater.
5. Risk factors for STD and AIDS are the same so that, by lowering the STD, AIDS transmission decreases

In a more recent study, The American Social Health Association reports that every year, 15 million Americans acquire a sexually transmitted disease. The studies and statistics made between university students from different countries, clearly show that the campaigns that, seeking to reduce the STD present to the condom as the solution to all the problems, have failed flatly and, at present, after 20 years and millions of dollars spent, the problem is even greater.

Making our young people feel sexually active and the use of condoms eliminates the procreative consequences of sexual activity have increased the number of unexpected pregnancies; to offer that the correct use of a condom will avoid the STD is a mistake that has caused an increase in the numbers of AIDS to unsuspected levels and deeply altered the sexuality of our future generations.

Our young people must know that although the correct use of condoms decreases the rate of transmission (90%), even with the exercise of this safe sex exposes them to a 10 percent chance of getting AIDS.
Consider that our young people are incapable of understanding these concepts, of exercising full control of their will in the exercise of their sexuality and converting the condom as a solution over sexuality education is to lose the opportunity to form a society that understands the value of our fellows and ignores the scars that leave this kind of behavior not only at the physical level but also psychological and spiritual.