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Deeper Towards God |
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Fuente: LCBLOG |

Deeper. What does it mean to go deeper, to be a profound person? I believe that it simply means to have grown in our relationship with God—he knows us best, so knowing him better helps us understand ourselves. Deep people learn to see God’s hand everywhere and to read his message of love in all things and all times. How can I tell if I’m growing?
Here are two images that perhaps can help on your journey towards God and deeper into yourself.
1. Fireworks. They’re fun and enjoyable. They make a lot of noise and everyone can hear them for miles around. They paint the sky with amazing colors and shapes. We look forward to them because they happen on special days, few and far between.
2. Sunsets. They contain a beauty both fleeting and eternal. We can see them often enough, so usually we don’t bother—too many important things to do. Their ordinariness is only rivaled by their silence: the sun slips under the clouds, the majority of humanity unaware. Yet compared with fireworks, their colors zigzag through the sky in far greater brilliance and majesty. Their colors last longer, yet never enough for us to be completely satisfied before they disappear. We often travel to watch fireworks, but how many of us bother to pause for a sunset?
The difference between “firework” and “sunset” moments isn’t (necessarily) one of right and wrong, but of where we look to satisfy our deepest longings. We can all enjoy “fireworks”, but if the depth of our search stops there, we’ll end up frustrated. We must learn to enjoy the ordinary, the silence, the stillness, and there to discover the greater beauty. “Sunset” moments differ from “firework” moments in that they open our hearts to something deeper and better prepare us for an encounter with God.
Elijah journeyed for weeks to reach Mount Horeb, and there he waited for God to pass by: “There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire—but the LORD was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound” (1 Kings 19:11-12).