
The church is not in the world to condemn
The company must be a solidarity community
For more than 100 years, the Catholic Church has denounced the subhuman conditions in which the majority of the population lives, and the economic abyss that exists between rich and poor.
7 Commandments to Destroy a Marriage and 7 Commandments to Save It
I prefer to read them in positive:
View of Popes and saints on a future time of Church triumph
The idea of a historical epoch of triumph of the Church and the Christian civilization
A difficult prayer
The temptation of the “just this once”
Catholic Church: crisis, reform, and hope
Three reflections for Message magazine by Mr. Sergio Micco, Lawyer-Doctor in political science, professor at the Universidad Chile
A contradictory thesis
The great gift of memory
Reaching God through music
6 Tips for Those Who are Not Called to a Consacrated Life
You wanted to be a priest but the Lord put you in the Friendzone?
Christian Conversion and Message
The voice of Christ that invites us to convert
Euthanasia and difnity of dying
Dominant interpretations of the idea of dignity when talking about the dignity of death
Why do you want to be a nun if you're so cute?
We must overcome the global imbalance from the Caritas in Veritate
Archbishop Toso said that a new project is needed to overcome global imbalances from the Caritas in Veritate encyclical.

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