Bishops welcome efforts to defend unborn child of undocumented teen Undocumented teenager delayed abortion authorization. |
Humanae Vitae: 40 years later, still about love The controversy that Pope Paul VI brought to church explained. |
Marriage: The Gift of Love and Life C.S. Lewis once wisely observed: |
Why Pro-Lifers Must Oppose Contraception Only God has absolute dominion on life. |
Charlie´s Fight US neurology expert will visit UK to examine Charlie Gard |
People of "throwaway" "Slaves today are cheaper than ever. Babies are sold for 45 euros in Ghana, children is rented begging in Thailand and in Spain, you enslave people who perform agricultural tasks 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 30 euros" |
Humanae Vitae - To which less consideration has been given Some suggestions about lines regarding ejection of sexual violence, denunciation of an atheistic secularization of human sexuality, among others. |
Surrogate motherhood, solidarity or trade? The surrogate motherhood is not as simple as the paint, because what begins with the desire to be parents may be tarnished later |
Forty years later: Pope's concerns in 'Humanae Vitae' vindicated It hasd been 40 years since Humanae Vitae was written. |
SLAVES IN THE FIRST WORLD More than 500,000 women fall into Europe each year for sexual exploitation and forced labor |
Humanae Vitae, Control, and Fear – By Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life Who is my God? Who is in charge of my life? |
Humanae Vitae Encyclical of Pope Paul VI on the Regulation of Birth |
'Humanae Vitae' turns 40 Controversial document led to development of scientifically accurate natural family planning practices |
A Study Guide to Humanae Vitae This study guide is based on the Vatican Translation of Humanae Vitae |