
They love Me... They Love Me Not...
Matthew 12: 38-42. Lord, my prayer will �work� only if I have humility in your presence.
A Lesson about the Heart
Matthew 11: 16-19
Something Radically New
Matthew 5: 38-42. As I begin this moment of prayer, I turn to you as one in need.
Mission Impossible?
Matthew 15:1-2.10-14. Lord, may my prayer lead me to step out from my comfort zone today.
Uprooting Sin
Luke 17:1-6
Fathoming Christ’s Mercy
Matthew 9:1-8, Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Cycle A
A Step beyond Justice
Matthew 5:38-48, Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time. Cycle A
Being Worthy of Me
Matthew 10:37-42, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Cycle A
True Worship
Mark 7: 1-13. Lord, thank you for your Gospel and for all the truth it teaches me.
Living with Christ
Mark 4:26-34, crowds, kingdom, God, Jesus, fruit, plants, grain, ripe, ear, grain
Go, Spread the Kingdom
Matthew 10:7-15, Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Cycle A
Holiness and Community
Matthew 25:31-46, Monday of the First Week of Lent. Cycle A
Rock of Peter
Matthew 16:13-19, Solemnity of Saints Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles. Cycle A
Can Christ Count on Me?
Mark 8: 27-33.You are the Christ.
Are You Going to Leave?
John 6: 60-69

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