
It's good for young people to study Latin.
Pope Francis praised the study of Latin, especially for young people.
11 Youth Ministry Resources
What are your favorite online recources or websites for youth ministry?
The 6 Battles of Youth That Adults Must Not Forget
Life passes quickly. One moment you are twelve years old playing in the street, and today you are an adult, 40 years old.
An honest person shines in a particular way
How do you know if a guy loves you or wants to use you?
Step number one in weeding out the bad guys is to practice the principles of courtship, here. A main part of courtship is that you only commit to a guy if you´ve had a long friendship with him, your family likes him, and you can see yourself marrying him.
It's good for young people to study Latin.
Pope Francis praised the study of Latin, especially for young people.
TED talks about God that challenge creativity on social networks
True Love Waits
“Late have I loved you. You waited for me, I searched for you. What took me so long?”
Masculinity and Beauty
The humanities promote manliness and have an important role to play in forming a truly masculine heart.
University Students in Kirkuk
Christian girls who barely escaped ISIS credit Mary for their safety
The prayer of the Rosary at the University of Nebraska
Thousands lined the sidewalks surrounding UNL’s campus for something completely different – to pray.
The path of the courtship of yesterday and today is different
Judge with mind today, events of yesterday, often leads not to be fair.
Take the time
I think that the human person is like a sunrise.
Your Music, My Music
Each person is a musician and has a melody to play for those who want to hear
Pope’s Video to Canadian Youth
Flood the Places Where You Live With the Joy and Enthusiasm
Difficulties vs. Challenges
Every man is called to the challenge of being a saint.

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