
It's good for young people to study Latin.
Pope Francis praised the study of Latin, especially for young people.
Librarian in Flight
We are born in majestic silence, and at death we depart with reverent quiet.
Consecrated Virginity
Consecration in the lay state at all is not widely known
How can the US Church reach young adults?
By building relationships
How The World Gets God’s Unconditional Love Wrong
He loves us all no matter how we’ve sinned or how we’ve turned away.
The Marriage vows
The exchange of consent is the heart of the Rite of Marriage.
Light means hope, light shines in the darkness
Love without Words
Without words they promised to love each other for life, and without words they would do it for the rest of their lives.
Joyful Asian Youth
The seventh Asian Youth Day has officially kicked off
Pope Francisco confirms visit to Panama
Holy Father answered them smiling,
How do you know if a guy loves you or wants to use you?
Step number one in weeding out the bad guys is to practice the principles of courtship, here. A main part of courtship is that you only commit to a guy if you´ve had a long friendship with him, your family likes him, and you can see yourself marrying him.
Tips for a Healthy High School Social Life
Taking care of these recommendations you will have a good school year.
Pornography: the Problem is Relational Anorexia
The adolescents find tehmselves alone in making decisions of media content consumption.
11 Youth Ministry Resources
What are your favorite online recources or websites for youth ministry?
Difficulties vs. Challenges
Every man is called to the challenge of being a saint.
Youth are lost in a 'virtual world'
The pope said that the works of mercy “help young people so much”

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