
The Art of Modern Man
In modern art, the priest finds a unique ability to learn how to encounter and understand modern man.

Take the Time
I think that the human person is like a sunrise.

What does it really mean to observe Advent?
The liturgical season of preparing for Christmas is well underway.

US bishops: Fighting racism is a long-term battle – but a critical one
Our faith gives us confidence that Christ wishes to break down the walls created by the evils of racism.

Sand or Stone
A nice story we should all learn from.

Beauty Tips
Beauty secrets everyone should know.

Five Minutes to Spare
A nice way to spend 5 minutes you have to spare.


If I were the Devil
How the devil would think...

Four Wives
A nice story we should all learn from.

A Smile
A gift that anyone can give...

Are you wasting your time or making the best of it?

Wealth, Success & Love
If you had to choose between wealth, success and love, which one would you pick?

Can you overcome the routine?
The routine is one of these parasites that are grafted in our life

About sexual identity and social expression.
Which is my social responsibility about this state of things?

How to Say It?
There are many situations and times when we have to deliver bad news

No One Changes, If We Don´t Want to Change
And if I do not change, my marriage, my family, my neighborhood, my city will not change.

Aging Parents
My parents? I have no time!

A fraud called relativism
Is our dignity relative?

The man, enemy or ally of the planet?
Man is not, by itself, an enemy of the planet, and can’t be accused of all the ills suffered by diverse ecosystems

To Commit Oneself
Anyone who has never felt the pull that comes with the freedom to bind oneself, has not even sensed the profou nd nature of freedom

The true "gold" of the Olympic Games
The testimony of Luis Felipe Areta, Loli Checa and Yusra Mardini

Merciful Like the Father
Sixty thousand young people to celebrate the Jubilee of Boys and Girls in Rome


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