A world of possibilities
Free decisions leave their footprint.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

Aristotle saw the human world as a horizon open to many possibilities.
Each, before the choices he finds before himself decides. Free decisions leave their footprints, but at the beginning they were indeterminate.
In this Aristotelian perspective, found in other thinkers, lies the richness and danger of human existence.
Because each one has before it different options, it allows choosing those that lead to evil and that harm others or those that promote the good for oneself and others.
Some are afraid of that openness of free will. Would it not be easier to have an existence in which others decide for us, or where some friendly computers indicate the best options?
Even when others advise us, or when a digital apparatus tells us to go to the left and not to the right, in the end, the decision depends on oneself…
Therefore, in the face of a world of possibilities, we need to encourage that virtue which was so important for Aristotle: prudence.
Because prudence is the one that hones our mind to perceive the pros and cons of each option, to evaluate alternatives well, to seek advice from people who can help us.
In a world full of haste, where we run the risk of being dragged by the first thing that appears on the screen or suggesting the fashion of the moment, we need to revalue the virtue of prudence.
With your help, it will be much easier to avoid mistakes that we then regret and that make others suffer and to promote ways of living ordered, serene, righteous, and, above all, more full of affection and respect.