The Great Gift of Will
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Every human being chooses his path by making certain decisions based of a handful of options.
Choosing is possible because of the gift of will. A will may sometimes be weakened by passions and sins, but it can be healed by God's love.
From the well-oriented will, we are able to choose good, defend justice, ask forgiveness, forgive, and to tear down walls and to build bridges.
On the other hand, a person whose will is enslaved with passions and blinded by false ideas leads to injustice, anger, selfishness, damage that stains so many pages of human history red.
A transformation is therefore urgent in which the will is to be enlightened by truth, learns to set aside dishonest passions, and fortified in the realization of good.
Sin, unfortunately, hurts the will because it occurs from free and responsible choices.
But sin cannot destroy that magnificent gift of will: after the fall, it is possible to open yourself to God, to recognize one's own guilt, and to take a determined step towards repentance.
St Catherine of Siena, in her "Dialogue", explains that in the sinner still lives the free will, and therefore it is sufficient that it implodes the favor of God to achieve it.
Moreover, the saint explained that the believer should not fear the devil, for God has strengthened us from the Blood of his Son.
Will reaches its fullness when it is fueled by love, which binds us to God and puts us at the service of the others. Then, it is possible to reach the heroic gesture of a total surrender, like that of Christ: "No one has greater love than that which gives his life for his friends" (Jn 15.13).
The magnificent gift of the free will becomes a key received from God that allows us to go forward every day, to the house of the Father.