The desire that something will not change to the future.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

The word irreversible appears in different contexts and with similar meanings.
For example, when it is claimed that law is irreversible, or that a process is not reversed, or that these agreements will not be modified, etc.
Using the word irreversible expresses an assessment that often coincides with a desire: The desire that this will not change in the future.
Life, however, contains a thousand surprises. That declared irreversible decision is radically modified after years (or even months).
Why are so many things declared as irreversible not? Because the human being retains freedom that allows him not only to reject what is decided by others, but to "go back", to recover an earlier situation, or to take steps towards completely new horizons.
A little prudence, common sense (so forgotten) and serenity, would lead many journalists, politicians, scholars, not to use the word irreversible as an adjective, and to recognize how many possibilities exist before us.
Of course, over time it will be discovered that a process has provoked so radical changes that "going back" seems very difficult, almost impossible.
For example, the introduction of firearms into the war has left "out of place" the use of spears and arrows as effective instruments for combat.
But even in such cases, it is impossible to resort to ideas, instruments, and ways of acting "overcome". Also among us, some can kill others with a bow and an arrow…
In the way of history very few institutions, customs, techniques, are "irreversible". Not only for that freedom that surprises us so much but because the same human process is full of jumps in all directions. Also to those declared as "overcome" that suddenly they are again present among us...