The mystery of each heart
The depths of man only know him, fully, God.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

It is Surprising to find comments, lectures, written texts, in which people's intentions are judged.
This occurs at all levels: in the family, in the work, in the press, in the social networks, in the blogs, in the studies of “specialists".
Certainly, behind every concrete action or more or less stable behavior, there is a person with tendencies, with tastes, with flaws, with ideas.
But It is wrong to have the pretense of a knowledge that allows going from the external to the internal because of the intentions of the people we can never have complete evidence.
Occurs at all levels: in the family, at work, in the press, in the social networks, in the blogs, in the studies of “specialists".
Some looks and behaviors, we can't deny it, they say a lot about a particular person. But They don't say it all, because the depths of man only know him, fully, God.
Therefore, a little prudence and common sense will help us to avoid judgments about what is in each heart, according to advice that we find in the same Sacred Scripture (cf. Lc 6.37; Jn 7.24; 1Cor 4.5, for example).
It is Good, therefore, to put aside our tendency to judge others. We need to work on ourselves, and with that, we have much to do, as advised in his lectures a monk of the 6TH century, St. Doroteo of Gaza.
The Mystery of every human heart is accessible only to the gaze of God the Father. He knows what facts of the past, what pressures of the present, what ideas and emotions powerfully influence that person that we have before our eyes.
If 2e approach God, we will learn to be more compassionate, more patient, more merciful. We thus Imitate the meekness and humility of Christ (cf. Mt 11.29). And we will be much more welcoming and open to those who live near or far from us.