Deliberations and decisions
Before you make a decision, you have to think about it. That´s why deliberations are so valuable.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

In book III of "Nicomachean Ethics", Aristotle delved into this topic, because of the importance it has to reach a good port.
A decision taken in haste, without attention to details, even without recourse to advice when necessary, can lead to harmful results for oneself and others.
The reverse, a decision taken with prudence, after careful deliberation on the appropriate means and the aspects involved, can help to reach the desired goal.
In book III of "Nicomachean Ethics", Aristotle delved into this topic, because of the importance it has to reach a good port.
Of course, reflection on the goal is of greater importance, as the deliberations are made on the means leading to such a goal. When that goal is intrinsically bad, deliberation is wound to death.
If you look at the case of one who has chosen good goals, to deliberate help not only to see the best means but the real possibilities of success.
The typical case of who deliberates if to go to see a friend will use the Metro, the bus, the car, or the bike, shows how important it is to weigh the pros and cons of each option and look for the most suitable for each situation.
In deliberating it is also important not only to take into account the possibilities themselves but in what sense to use one means or another can affect others.
Because it should be remembered, we do not live alone. We are surrounded by family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances, who are affected by the decisions we make.
And, if we look to a wider horizon, also the city, the country, the whole world, can receive positive or negative effects since the decision of the one who chooses a better or worse means.
The time has come to deliberate. A good goal has caught the attention of our hearts. now It's time to look for a path that will bring us closer to it, and how such a path is not only effective but also beneficial to all.