
Guilt, past, and present
Life follows it´s unstoppable trajectory. The past is left behind, though its consequences remain there before us.

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Life has moments when decisive changes occur. After the changes, they initiate new trajectories, with their opportunities, their risks, their benefits, and their wounds, without that they are forgotten more or less important facts of the past.

Sometimes, when looking towards that past, a strange feeling of guilt arises. If It had been wiser to deal with that friend. If I'd accepted that job. If I had closed the window to feel cool by the current…

The decisions and omissions of the past had consequences. What happened cannot be modified. The present has been benefited, or wounded, by the things we chose before, many times since the assumption that they were going to be profitable…

If the wounds accumulate, if the present is full of pain and trouble, there are not a few people in reproach for the mistakes made in the past. There Are Facts, certainly, that did not depend on one. But Others, sadly, are a direct consequence of the decisions themselves.

The feeling of guilt that arises from remembering our mistaken decisions can be harmful if it chokes if it generates anguish if it paralyzes if it provokes bitter reproaches. It'S no use acknowledging the guilt of the past if we do useless damage to it.

On the other hand, recognizing some of those faults can be beneficial if we turn to God to ask for the gift of mercy if we seek to repair the damage caused in others if we learn to be more prudent and generous in the decisions of the present.

Life follows its unstoppable trajectory. The past is left behind, though its consequences remain there before us. We now have a unique present, which offers wonderful opportunities for good if we choose those goals that will help us to love God and our brothers more...

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