A free salvation
Christian salvation is free, it´s Don, it´s a mystery of love.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

There is the possibility of supposing that salvation is a personal conquest, something gained with merits, efforts and good deeds.
Thus, one can imagine that his entrance to heaven is assured by having gone to Mass weekly, for having made some alms, for having prayed to the Virgin and the Saints, for having confessed from time to time.
This mindset led to its extreme, leads to conceiving God as an official who demands and records numbers and forms. Whoever meets is rewarded. Who does not qualify, is excluded.
In Reality, Christian salvation is possible not because we have deserved it but by the simple and loving gratuitousness of God.
We are not the ones who gain access to heaven by merit, as the winner of the prize. It Is God who has offered us, from a merciful love, the possibility of coming to live forever with Him.
This does not imply leaving aside the works. To whom much is given, much will be asked (cf. Lk 12.48). Receiving the Love of God generates love in oneself and allows you to do good deeds, especially to give to others.
San Pablo explains it in various texts. One of them offers a wonderful synthesis that allows us to understand one of the deepest truths of our Catholic faith.
"But God, rich in mercy, for the great love with which he loved us, is dead because of our crimes, vivificó us together with Christ — by grace, you have been saved — and with Him, He resurrected us and made us sit in the heavens in Christ Jesus (...) For ye have been saved by grace through faith, And this does not come from you, but it is a gift from God; Nor does it come from the works, so that no one will boast "(Ef 2.4 9).
Christian salvation is free, it's Don, it's a mystery of love. All sinners can let ourselves be cured, allow the Divine Master to purify us with His mercy and give us a new life.
Then The Great Miracle of Redemption is produced. Thanks to the Death and Resurrection of the Son-made Man, the Father, who loves us from eternity, purifies us with the Holy Spirit and makes us his children.
It Is then that we make our hymn of gratitude that Saint Paul offers in the first moments of his letter to the Ephesians:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all kinds of spiritual blessings, in heaven, in Christ; For He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, to be holy and immaculate in his presence, in love; Choosing us in advance to be his adoptive children through Jesus Christ, according to the blessing of his will, to praise the glory of His grace with which we agració in the Beloved "(Ef 1.3 6).