All on wheels
The little successes cheer up.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

The train arrived on time. The boss was kinder than ever. THE good weather forecast was fulfilled. The food went well. There were no discussions At home.
It causes Us joy to experience moments when everything is on wheels. Obstacles are easily overcome. The little successes cheer up.
Life is a continuum to succeed in situations. What we think of as "normality" sometimes seems the least normal... But thank God There are days of wind aft.
In times of prosperity, we can thank God because he shows us his tenderness and closeness and because he gives us strength for other times not so easy.
Also, since the thrust of achieved goals and good results, we can look around and discover needs and problems in those who live near or far.
Victories, then, become trampolines to help, to comfort, to listen to, to be more interested in those who suffer.
We will not always have moments of bonanza: There are days when the wheels seem stuck. But when God allows a little peace, it is worth redoubling the effort to do the good possible.
Then life acquires its beauty. We Learn to give freely what we have received free (cf. Mt 10.8). We become like the Father of heaven who sends the rain and the sun, with affection, on all (cf. Mt 5,42-48).