To receive
Receive, fundamental in our personal history.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

In life, we seek to do, produce, conquer, succeed. But the most important thing, the most decisive, is to receive.
Because The same life is a gift we never ask For. We Begin to exist when we begin to be welcomed.
Then, to our body and our hearts came thousands of gifts, large or small, of those who were on our side.
Since we were conceived, and until the last farewell, receiving will always be something fundamental in our personal history.
Especially, life is about receiving love. The love of family and friends. Love, above all, of a God who began our existence and waits for us in heaven.
To receive, then, is the key to understanding all that we are and to make sense of what we do.
Because if we can carry out something good is because we have received so many gifts from God and the brothers.
Saint Paul will explain these truths with a simple text full of passion: "What do you have that you have not received? And If you have received it, what glory do you have if you had not received it? " (1Co 4.7)
What we welcome as Don, from what we receive with joy, we can then begin to give, with generosity, with the greatness of encouragement.
The same Jesus Christ teaches us: "Gratis Lo received; Give unto Free "(Mt 10.8). That's Why I need to share the good things that came into my life.
God grants me a new day. I also now Receive a lot of love. From the gifts received, it begins in my soul a cascade of kindness, which can advance to other hearts.
Together with the multitude of creatures that exist because God loved us, I raise my prayer of gratitude to the Father of whom comes "all good gifts and every gift perfect" (cf. St 1.17). And I praise his Son, Jesus Christ, who has loved me and given himself for me (cf. Gal 2.20).