Different paths, identical goal
The important thing is to let us lead to that goal that God offers to all
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

The Christian Life takes place in surprisingly creative ways, according to modes of being and events that make different the ways of each soul.
Therefore, in reading the biography of a Heart loved by God, nuances, and facts are revealed that are only explained by this mysterious dialogue between a merciful Father and a free and "special" baptized.
Thus, one arrives in heaven from the simplicity of family life, without focus, without applause, without recognition, almost in the most complete anonymity.
Another culminates his career between lectures and books, between applause and discussions, between critics and admirers.
Some advance initially with moments of fidelity and love to later succumb to selfishness and cowardice. Then, from the divine gaze, the conversion tears allow the return home and lead to the great miracle of forgiveness.
The List of roads is incomprehensive. Each one could begin to tell the story itself, with its simplicity, with its formality, but always with flashes that come from the encounter with Jesus Savior.
The important thing is to let us lead to that goal that God offers to every one of his children. An identical goal, because his Father's Love has wanted the gates of mercy to be open as a possibility for all.
Life follows its rhythm. The monotony seems to hide the beauty of what happens after the death of the bran but does not quench that flame that ignited on the day of our baptism.
The light of Christ illuminates the Wayfarer and opens access to eternal life (cf. Jn 1.1-4). Hope gives us strength. God is faithful and has prepared an endearing, unique place for every son who is invited to the great Banquet of heaven.