
About "true and false"
The will wants to flee from falsehoods and move towards safe and enlightening truths

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L. | Source:

Two poles antithetical: the true and the false. Two poles mutually exclusive: if something is true it is not false, if something is false it is not true. 

Speaking of truth implies thinking of falsehood. The human mind is set up like this: open to understanding poles opposite each other.


In the midst of this distinction, the mind and the heart desire to attain the true and avoid the false. Because the first thing allows you to choose better, avoid deceit, build walls of friendship. 

Instead, the second, the false, causes harm, wounds human relations, confuses in the decisions, generates mistrust.


The will wants to flee from falsehoods and move towards safe and enlightening truths. The mind continually works to reject the deceitful and to establish itself in the right and the safe.


Despite ideological currents that have built systems from lie and deceit, individuals and societies have kept alive the desire to approach the truth, whatever it takes. 

In this sense, examples such as those of Socrates, a daring and nonconformist thinker, and the thousands of martyrs, witnesses of truth, stimulates and encourages to continue in the struggle to leave lies and to adhere to realities.


The same religious desire that nests in so many human beings confirms the existence of that desire for truth. Because only a religion built on full truth guarantees and opens spaces to the yearning for complete salvation. 

Christ, in that sense, is presented not only as a truth, but as the complete truth. Overcome darkness, destroy lies, denounce hypocrisy, propel the holy life.


"If ye hold in my word, ye shall truly be my disciples, and ye shall have the truth, and the truth will make you Free" (Jn 8.31 32).

There is only full freedom and good authenticity when we reach firmness in truths that lead us to the complete encounter with God and the authentic love towards the brothers


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