The postponement of marriage and the day of the demographic winter
Demographic disaster is moving quietly around the world.
Source: Public Discourse, Signs of These Times and Mercatornet

The prevailing situation in the Western world is not only engulfing the viability of economies but also affects fertility and also children who manage to be born.
The demographic disaster is moving quietly around the world, while secular media make accomplices, sometimes with their silence and others with their applause, to policies that see with pleasure the decline of the world's population. They do not seem to have realized that in demography there is a threshold from which it is no longer possible to recover and the only destruction remains.
Of course, the problem comes from many decades ago, when in 1968 the American entomologist (insect scholar) Paul Ralph Ehrlich, through his book The Population Bomb, sold to the world the idea that millions of people would starve in the decade of 1970 for excess humans on the planet. Also, it advocated the immediate application of preventive measures such as forced sterilization of indigenous peoples, but also the addition of sterilizing substances in drinking water, all to reduce the population to a "globally optimal" between one billion and two billion.
Since then those who truly control the world have made Ehrlich's doctrine his most respected dogma of faith, and all his policies have a controlling background and the view that large families and babies are dangerous to human survival.
After so many years of anti-natalist policies implemented by force throughout the orb, especially in Third World countries, today most scientists engaged in population affairs are very concerned exactly on the contrary that worried Paul Ralph Ehrlich: it's about what's now called demographic winter, a term that serves to describe a rapidly aging population, with more older people than young people, and thus with several economic and social challenges such as the contraction of markets and problems in covering the pensions of retired.
For now, Japan already sells more geriatric diapers than babies. And in China, with its brutal one-child policy, not only has millions of girls been killed through abortion, but the (living) child-to-female rate is just 1.54.
All first world countries have a birth rate below the replacement level threshold, which is 2.1 children per woman (0.1 is to balance considering the possibility of deaths from illness, war, and hunger).
The rest of the countries are also heading towards the demographic winter, observes Jonathan Last in his book What to expect when he does not expect one: America's coming demographic disaster, where he writes, from Africa to Asia, from America from the South to Eastern Europe, and from the jungles of the third world to the rich desert of the Petro reigns, almost all countries are experiencing decrease infertility.
As for the United States, if you have an overall rate of 1.93 births per woman, which doesn't sound bad given the situation of the rest of the world, it's only thanks to women of Ibero-American origin, who have an average of 2.35 children, while the fertility of the Anglo-Saxon s is currently very similar to that in China.
The demographic winter cannot end unless people's mindsets are changed, which currently cheerfully contributes to disaster. Across the Western world, young people are delaying marriage and delaying their age for children; and, especially in the lower classes, birth rates occur predominantly in single mothers or unmarried couples, which means greater problems for children.
According to the report entitled El Knot: The Benefits and Costs of The Postponement of Marriage in the United States, sponsored by the National Campaign to Prevent Adolescent Pregnancy, the Relationship Institute, and the National Marriage Project, by the time they turn 30, about two-thirds of American women have had a baby, almost always out of wedlock. Overall 48% of the first births are single mothers.
To say another study, conducted in the United States by Pew Social Trends, 52% of 18-29 year old, says that becoming a good father is "one of the most important things in your life," and 80% that marriage is an important part of your life plans. Why, then, don't you get married?
The most thoughtful answer to delaying marriage is the economic factor, but analysts note that the environment itself offers no incentive to motivate young adults to access marriage and the serious and committed education of a family.
Finally, when marriages are given, not always age is ideal, beginning to present difficulties infertility.
The Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark, has recently published a report stating that the birth rate in that country is 1.7 children per woman, and that part of the problem is that couples are waiting longer to start a family, which often does more difficult conception, and recent studies have also pointed out that sperm quality has declined in Danish men.
The Rigshospitalet is encouraging the government to promote the formation of families among young couples, as "many waits too long to have children. There is a need to raise awareness, as the problem is approaching epidemic levels. More and more couples are using fertility treatments to conceive. One in ten children in the country is born after fertility treatments."