
Separate or unite
They are two forces that continually accompany human history.

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:


They are two forces that continually accompany human history. One leads to separate, divide, even hate. Another leads us to unite, to share, to walk to love. 

These two forces explain the failure of a marriage or its victory. Division culminates in struggles, grudges, and divorces. Love, on the other hand, leads to fidelity, harmony, and permanence.

They are two forces that continually accompany human history. One leads to separate, divide, even hate. Another leads us to unite, to share, to walk to love. 

These two forces explain the failure of a marriage or its victory. The division cultivates in fights, grudges, and divorces. Love, on the other hand, leads to fidelity, harmony, and permanence.

It hurts to see how there are people who generate hatred, that promotes divisions, that drive the contempt of others. Backward, it gives immense joy to see that people are willing even to sacrifice to promote harmony between individuals and peoples.

In a world where selfishness is still present, where individualism sows unsupportive islands, where the revanchism promotes struggles and separates, it is worth striving to denounce movements that divide and promote units from justice.

Every human being plays his part in the March of history. Although one seems small, with his testimony and with his word he can put dikes to the sowers of Discords, and foment that love that begets joy and concord.

Thanks to the sowers of unity, there will be those who leave their fears and begin to risk their lives for ideals that unite. Thus they will not only be pawns of a more fraternal world but open the human existence to that true harmony that is achieved, especially, from the welcome of the love of a god who is the father of all and who wants to live as good brothers.

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