
Bumpy Road
Jesus sustains us

Author: María Luisa Martínez Robles | Source:

When I was a child, I wanted to be a saint. I didn't know what that meant, how difficult it is. I thought that, praying every day, obeying my parents, studying and not insulting anyone that was enough. Now that I am older, perhaps too old, I realize that it is necessary to be very brave, to have a firm faith and an unchanging patience among many other virtues.

In school, we read lives of saints. When I read the confessions of St. Augustine, I admired the change his life experienced. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux was patron of the missions and she did not left the Carmel. It has always given me to think that being saint in the society that has touched us to live differs greatly from the great feats, from the epics. There are many stones in the way to become it, but it is not impossible. You have to try at least.

One formula to get it is to get up every day with the intention of doing what you have to do the best you know. Without sparing effort, without selfishness, putting yourself in the place of the other and trusting in God. At night, remember what you have failed, trying to do better the next day.

The obstacles are constant and the difficulties proliferate. People disappoint you, but He always stays by your side. We must continue, without fear, without rest. Jesus has warned us on many occasions that we would be misunderstood and persecuted. He sustains us.

Some performance tells us the story of a person who walks along the beach, leaving his footprints on the sand and thinks that only his footsteps are marked when Jesus promised that he would walk beside him. This person looks back and only sees their own steps. I was wrong; it was Jesus´s footsteps in the sand, He carried her in his arms. He did not walk beside her, he held her. That confidence will lead us to overcome any inconvenience.

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