Annus Fidei: mobile application to explain the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism
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During the Year of the Faith, Benedict XVI has invited the Catholics to deepen the contents of the faith. The essential texts are the second Vatican Council and the Catechism, documents that can now be stored in your pocket.
The Annus Fidei application includes the letter that Benedict XVI wrote to summon the Year of Faith. Council documents such as Gaudium et Spes or Lumen Gentium, or the Compendium of the Catechism. Just click on this section for now only in Spanish.
The music could not be missed. You can have the music of the hymn of the Year of Faith in English, Spanish, French and Italian. Also the texts to celebrate the mass for the new evangelization in nine languages.
In addition, it includes a section with 50 questions and answers about Jesus of Nazareth, a complete devotional with prayers for before and after the mass and the speeches of Benedict XVI during WYD Madrid 2011. Without a doubt, a useful tool for the New Evangelization 2.0.