
Nobody changes, if you do not want to change
And if I do not change, it will not change my marriage, my family, my neighborhood, my city

It is easy to find the faults of other people; It is not so much to recognize ours. And, however, these are the only ones that we can correct.

Author: Salvador Casadevall | Source:

Nobody changes, if you do not want to change
And if I do not change, it will not change my marriage, my family, my neighborhood, my city
By: Salvador Casadevall | Source:

From time to time one has to stop along the way. We always say it before we start our program.
You have to stop to think, to reflect.
To review the fruit that we have been obtaining in our lived time.

We all have the capacity for self-criticism, which is one of the most profound manifestations of our intelligence. The intelligent man is the one who first looks inside and begins to rectify himself.
Doing so allows us to straighten directions, attitudes and consciously choose the best, for our good and the good of those around us.

It is easy to find the faults of other people; It is not so much to recognize ours. And, however, these are the only ones that we can correct. It is within our power to change, it is within our power to correct them.
Therefore, this stop and reflect is first of all a want to improve, is to want to be better and this must be done not only from human criteria but in a dimension of my faith. I am a believing man: from my creed, I just want to be better and make things better.

What is the difference between what I am and what I should be?

The reflection on the freedom that I have, on what my vocation in life is and what my mission is in this life, will help me especially to answer the question, without which I can not advance in the conversion to God, and I did that God expects from me for my neighbors: spouse, children, relatives, friends, for the whole society.

From this reflection there must be some priorities: my coexistence with my spouse must occupy the first place since it is with her or with him that I am doing a single walk.
In this journey, there must be a conjugal and family lifestyle, a lifestyle that must be in accordance with my faith, with what I believe.

Many times we hear that the family is in crisis when what is in crisis is the patriarchal family model.
Remember that the word crisis means change, a situation of change and that there is no doubt that the family in the patriarchal style is changing.

The current circumstances impose the redesign of new roles of both the father and the mother, inside and outside the home that is leading with attitudes to the loss of values. And the loss of values leads to the dissolution of many families.
And what does it bring with it? The appearance of new ways of union and way of living together. It is famous so fashionable: I am living as a couple.

However, Christians believe in the sacred mission that God entrusted to marriage from its creation and mutual surrender.
Every marriage must be a community of life and mutual surrender.
Every marriage must be a collaborator with God in the continuity of life.
Every marriage should be an area of growth in love and holiness, which does not mean anything other than being good.

Human sin, the faults, the distortions in which man is falling every day, has broken this ideal of marriage and it is necessary to reconstruct the relationship of love between a man and his Creator.

We must stop and reflect and find ways for this reconstruction that must necessarily be born within each one of us.
Nothing changes, nothing changes, if before I do not change myself and in this change, I must be convinced of the change. I must be firmly convinced that what I do deserves to be, deserves to make the change.
Nobody changes, but I want to change. And if I do not change, it will not change my marriage, my family, my neighborhood, my city.

To change their touch! From the stop, think and reflect.

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