
The Power of Uncertainty
The Power of Uncertainty

ome situations occur suddenly and force us to reconsider life.

Author: Staff | Source:

The Power of Uncertainty
Are you in your comfort zone?
Our life is a permanent exposure to the “unexpected”, some see this as a paralyzing problem, others as an opportunity to evolve.  What kind of person are you when something you weren’t expecting happens? Do you paralyze or do you keep going forward?  As much as we would like to be in control, some situations occur suddenly and force us to reconsider life. 
Every night, at the end of my last daily chore, when I feel like talking to someone, there you are, facing me from the hanging icon on my Wall. (Yahvé says: I Heard you in the precise moment... Is 49,8)
When I’m sad, I seek for comfort, I close my eyes and I imagine myself laying by your side or held by the palm of your hand (…This is my comfort in my misery: that your promise gives me life… May your love be my comfort as you promised your servant Sal 119,50, 76).
When discouragement and fear invade my heart, I see you following the road of the cross and saying, “Everyone who is tired and overwhelmed I will comfort you” (Mt 11,28)
When my heart is simply craving affection, I hear you say “Stay in my love” (Jn 15,9)
All of this is a gift. It is your work through the Holy Spirit, whom in another act of supreme love, you chose to leave in me and your word “live and efficient” that is always at my disposition.
In such a manner, that it doesn’t matter how I feel, I always return to the starting point, the only truth. Alone? Never! 

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