
Conceptual key: Social doctrine
Conceptual key: Social doctrine

Fragment of documents linked to the Social Doctrine of the Church to understand the nature of it.

Author: C.L. Rossetti | Source:

Conceptual key: Social doctrine 

Conceptual key: Social doctrine 
Fragment of documents linked to the Social Doctrine of the Church to understand the nature of it. 

It is the whole of the ecclesial magisterium on the nature and moral ordering of society. Although it sinks its roots in the social teaching of the Sacred Scripture and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, it is born as such, with the Encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891) of Pope Leo XIII. The Leonin text gave rise to a notable development with Pius XI (Quadragesimo Anno), John XXIII (Pacem in Terris); Paul VI (Populorum Progressio; Octogessima advances) and especially with John Paul II (Laborem exercens, Sollicitudo rei Socialis; Centesimus annus). 

An abundance of social teaching is also found in the speeches and radio messages of Pius XII, in the conciliar constitution Gaudium et Spes, in the interventions of the Popes Paul VI and John Paul II to the UN and the documents of the CDF (especially Libertatis conscientiae and Libertatis nuntius). Cardinal points of social doctrine are: legitimate personal property in the context of the universal destination of the goods of the earth; the primacy of the common good ("that is, the set of conditions of the social life which make it possible to the associations and to each one of its members the fullest and easiest achievement of the own perfection" GS 26); Universal fraternity and the unity of the human family, as the foundation for the promotion of peace and friendship among societies, of dialogue and solidarity; social justice; respect for human dignity ratified in the inalienable rights of the person, subsidiarity; the just autonomy in the interdependence between people, nations and states. Therefore, the Christian view obviously rejects all forms of totalitarianism, collectivism, nationalism, wild capitalism, but also the idolatry of relativistic democracy, which puts the value of conscience before the vote of the majority: "If there is no ultimate truth guiding and political orientation action, then ideas and convictions can be easily instrumentalizalized for power purposes. A democracy without values, easily becomes open or false totalitarianism, as history shows ", CA 46 = VS 101).

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