The company must be a solidarity community
The only way to achieve a more humane, more dignified society is by revaluing love in social, political and economic life.
Author: Cristina Valverde | Source:

The company must be a solidarity community
The only way to achieve a more humane, more dignified society is by revaluing love in social, political and economic life.
For more than 100 years, the Catholic Church has denounced the subhuman conditions in which the majority of the population lives, and the economic abyss that exists between rich and poor.
In 1891, the Encyclical Rerum Novarum, denounced the obtaining of the wealth (of the businessmen) at the expense of others (the workers). Is the socialist model better then? The encyclical also condemns socialism because it violates human nature. Of the same human nature, there are great differences between men: "the talents of all are not equal, neither the skill, nor the health, nor are the forces, and of the inevitable difference of these things spontaneously sprouts the difference of fortune". Also, the human being, is a free being that can create, invent, develop, undertake..., but this freedom does NOT allow you to abuse others to obtain profit.
The law of the market, "let's do, let go" is not the answer either. The market can determine in 50 dollars the wages of a worker (for example), and with this salary the company continues to grow, the prices of sale are suitable for the consumers, but the market is not interested if that worker can feed his family with that remuneration. The market is not capable of satisfying many human needs (access to good education, health, benefits for the disabled, the elderly, children...) Work can never be understood as a simple commodity because the one who performs it is a human being, with dignity, and deserves to receive a dignified remuneration.
"Preventing work from being reduced to simple commodity: wages must be sufficient for family life, social insurance for old age and unemployment." JPII
Why is there so much difference between businessmen and their workers? The answer is given to us by Pope Pius XI: "the lack of charity, the immoderate craving of material goods and the forgetfulness of God." The market and consumerism have seized the minds of many, greed and power have invaded their hearts and do not allow them to see that their collaborators live in squalid conditions. The Pope values the effort of the workers, whose work is fundamental to the growth of the company, and therefore reflects on the fair participation of the worker on the benefits obtained.
The Encyclical Rerum Novarum promulgated in 1891, means new things, established the need for a fair minimum wage, Sunday rest, the limitation of daily hours, the prohibition of child labor and the special protection of working women.
From the above, someone might conclude that the Church is against the businessmen, it is not so. The encyclicals defend the right to private property, the right to economic initiative, to the creativity of the person, to the freedom of the market. But it asks employers to find a balance between finding benefits and the dignity of their workers. In the words of John Paul II: "The company must be a solidarity community" oriented towards the common good. (CA,43)
The only way to achieve a more humane, more dignified society is by revaluing love in social, political and economic life.
Jesus "teaches us that the fundamental law of human perfection, and therefore of the transformation of the world, is the new commandment of love" (cf. Mt 22.40; Jn 15.12; Col 3.14; St 2.8)