
Conceptual key: Evangelization
Conceptual key: Evangelization

Fragment of documents linked to the Social Doctrine of the Church to understand the nature of evangelization.

Author: C.L. Rossetti | Source:

Conceptual key: Evangelization 
Fragment of documents linked to the Social Doctrine of the Church to understand the nature of evangelization. 

By: C.L. Rossetti | Source: 

Is the main duty of → Church, which goes back to the commandment of the Lord (Mt 28.19; Mc 16, 15SS) and the praxis of the apostles (cf. acts 2-3; 1 Co 9.16...). It is the communication of the advertisement, of the good news of the victory of Christ on → sin and upon death (kerygma or euanghelion). The Second Vatican Council (LG 17; AG); Paul VI (Evangelii nuntiandi); John Paul II (Redemptoris missio) highlighted the priority role of evangelization in the work of the Church. Through it, the Church gives the possibility of personally and historically adhering to the mystery of the salvation of mankind, which Jesus Christ has once and for all fulfilled in his Passover. Of the ad sprouts → faith in the Spirit, which leads to a living relationship with Christ, and through him, with the Father (cf. Rm 10, 16SS).

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