7 Commandments to Destroy a Marriage and 7 Commandments to Save It
Author: Antonio González | Source: opusdeialdia.org

To destroy marriage:
1- Do not demonstrate you love them, because they already know it.
2- Hold a grudge against their mistakes and don’t ever forgive them.
3- Don’t love them as they are, but as you would like them to be: look only at their faults and not at their virtues.
4- Get used to their company, which seems normal, something you deserve.
5- Tease with your love; there are more important things: make frequent trips without him / her and intimate with other people.
6- Automate the love relationship, don’t pay attention to details.
7- More children? Are you crazy? They only bring problems
I prefer to read them in positive: "7 commandments for a happy marriage"
1- Say that you love them every day: he/she likes to hear it, although they already know it.
2- Get used to forgive and forget their mistakes.
3- Love them as they are: look at the virtues and not at the defects. Think that you are also flawed.
4- Amaze yourself every day of the possibility of having them close: do not get used to their company.
5- Protect the most important thing you have: your love. Do not risk it and take care of it with all your might.
6- Enjoy every detail they have with you and strive to have new details of love every day.
7- Take care of your children and stay open to life: work and fun are not the priority.