
About the principles, poems of Saint Gregory Nazianzen
Spirit of God, wake my mind as well as my tongue, trumpets of resonant truth, which all rejoice in their encouragement in the whole Trinity grafted.

Author: Louis Desclèves, L. C. | Source: In-form No 51

About the principles, poems of Saint Gregory Nazianzen 

Spirit of God, wake my mind as well as my tongue, trumpets of resonant truth, which all rejoice in their encouragement in the whole Trinity grafted. 
By: Louis Desclèves, L. C. | Source: In-form No 51 

I know very well which raft we traversed for so long, or how with such small wings we hasten to the starry sky, we whom the heart moves to praise the divinity, to which not even the celestials powers have the strength to worship, as it should, the people of great divinity and their universal government. However, not even God likes the frequent gift of full hand as much as it comes from the even poor friend. 

Therefore, I will speak boldly. But out of here, flee, you impure ones: this speech of mine does not come out but for the purified. The profane, like you, were, as Christ wrote the law engraved on stones for Moses.

Be immediately crushed by broken rocks. So be it for them just as the word expelled the wicked, of our region for having a rebellious heart against God. But, I will put this cry as proem in my leaves, cry that the pious men exclaimed, bringing fright to the cruel people, Moses and Isaiah, witnesses of the mandates (I speak to the connoisseurs), indeed, this one giving the law newly embodied, the other, of the broken: may the sky hear; may the Earth welcome my words. 

Spirit of God, wake my mind as well as my tongue, trumpets of resonant truth, which all rejoice in their encouragement in the whole Trinity grafted. 

A single God there is without principle, not caused, not circumscribed by something that was in advance, or that would become then, possessing all eternity, only-begotten great, the great Father, with nothing to suffer for the Son, of the carnal, for he is mind. 

One other God, not another in divinity, of God the Word, this one, of that, Paternal printed stamp, the son of the unprincipled, unique, just as Almighty. As this would be progenitor all whole, both that Alderman Son of the universe and Pastor, of the Father Strength and Thought, a Spirit of the Excellent God, God. Back all, those which the Spirit did not mark to proclaim his divinity, but are an abyss of wickedness or impure pseudo-light, envious, self-proclaimed thinkers, hidden fountain, candlestick in dark bends. 

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