It Was Worth It
Author: Staff | Source:

La vita non e facile, ma c’e un motore chiamato cuore, un’assicurazione chiamata fede e un guidatore chiamato Dio. ( Life ain’t easy, but there’s a motor called heart, a safety call faith and a guide called God).
But how can we know if we have that faith? Testing ourselves, leaving our comfort zone, never conforming, and looking forward to bringing God closer to our lives.This is the most important thing to think about, do I really live near God? Do I really live as a true Christian? Do I really know God? Am I really willing to sacrifice everything for Him just as he did for us?
I, until before these missions, was someone who didn’t have a motor in life, who didn’t know God. Until one day I stopped and think seriously of what was going on in my life, and I realized that I didn’t know God, I had never had an experience in which I could see God so, I decided to go on missions, to prove myself and seek an experience in which I could get to know God.
The missions began as I expected, with a heavy pace, but I was very happy, happy to be there, and willing to give it all and, I can say that the missions were worthwhile thanks to this experience: On Tuesday, it was around 4, we were in an activity with the kids, when suddenly, a man approached us, he told us that he knew about the missionaries, so he could trust us, so he asked us for help. Told us, "I am an alcoholic person, I live far from God, I’ve ran away from him, even 8 years ago I was a prosecutor of the town of Yaonáhuac (which is the people I visited), and 6 years ago I was part of the church." There was also another problem, this man had abandoned his family, but mainly his daughters, even had denied them in the street in front of everyone. So, another problem for him was that his daughters didn't want to talk to him.
First of all, my two companions and I were not the most indicated to speak with this person. The first thing we did was talk on the phone to our responsible, telling him about the situation and ask him what we could do. He responded, first with an apology for not being there, then told us to talk to him, and that if our words were not the most appropriate that wouldn’t matter, but to try to speak in behalf of the Holy Spirit and that the words would come out of the heart. Finally, he told us to try to see God in other people.
Then we went with the man and invited him to the church, and there we talked with him. We also invited him to pray the rosary with us at 6:00, and he accepted. We gradually began to notice a change in him, we gave him a rosary and he told us he was going to take care of it with his life and that with the rosary he would change.
Finally, when we were on our way to say goodbye, he said: ¨I will change, you will see, tomorrow you’ll see me in church at 10 for mass, even to see if we play basketball after, and thanks to you, I from this moment, will change, I'm going to be someone different, and you're going to see it.¨ and then he left.
We didn’t see the man again, we don’t know if he went to mass at 10, we don’t know if he went back to his old ways. In conclusion, we don’t know if he is alive or not. All we can do now is pray for him.
I, with this experience, learned that I could see God through the other people, I had a taste of what is really God. And with this experience I can say that the missions were worth it.