The 7 favors that the Virgin of the Sorrows grants.
Author: Staff | Source: Catholic.Net

Meditating the seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Lady is a way of sharing the most intense sufferings of the life of Mary in the earth.
Every September 15th (since 1914 in the Liturgical restoration by the Pope Saint Pius X), the Liturgy of the Church invites us to remember the sorrows of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Savior.
Christians have always learned about Mary, how to love better to Jesus Christ. The devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary was developed by some private revelations.
The Virgin told Saint Briget of Swedish (1303- 1373):
“She saw all the ones who live in the earth in order to check if somebody will feel sorry about Me and meditate my sorrow. However, there are few people who worry about my tribulation and afflictions. So that, my dear daughter, you don’t forget me; because I am forgotten and looked down by many people. Look at my sorrow and imitate as good as you can. Appreciate my anguish and tears, and feel impotence that there are very few friends of God.”
Our Lady promised that will grant seven favors to those souls who daily worship and accompany her, praying the seven Hail Mary and at the same time meditating her tears and her sorrows:
- “I will grant you peace in your family.”
- “The divine mysteries will enlighten you.”
- “I will console you on your difficulties and I will accompany you in your plans.”
- “I will give you anything you ask me, this is to avoid you will be against the lovely will of my divine Son or the salvation of your souls.”
- “I will defend you on your spiritual battles from the infernal enemy and I will protect you on every moment of your life.”
- “In the moment of your death I’ll be there visibly and you will see your Mother’s face.”
- “I have gotten from my Divine Son that, all of the ones that promote the devotion to my tears and sorrows will be taken directly from this earthly life to the eternal happiness, because all your sins will be forgiven and My Son will be your console and your eternal joy.”
According to Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Our Lord revealed to Saint Elizabeth of Hungary that He will grant four special favors to the devotees of the sorrows of His Blessed Mother:
1. Those who, before their death, call the Blessed Mother on behalf of their sorrows will get a perfect repentance of their sins.
2. Jesus will protect during your tribulations to all those who remember this devotion and He will specially protect at the hour of their death.
3. He will print on their minds the memory of the Passion and you will have their reward in the heaven.
4. He will ask His Mother to take care of those devotee souls in order to grant them all the favors she wants to pour.
Meditating the Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Lady is a way of sharing the most intense sufferings of the life of Mary in the earth:
1º Sorrow
The prophecy of Simeon and the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple.
2° Sorrow
The escape and Flight into Egypt with Jesus and Joseph.
3° Sorrow
The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem.
4° Sorrow
The meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Via Dolorosa.
5° Sorrow
The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary.
6° Sorrow
The Piercing of the Side of Jesus with a spear, and His Descent from the Cross.
7° Sorrow
The Burial of Jesus and the loneliness of Mary.
The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15th, the next day to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. At the foot of the Cross, where a sword of sorrow pierced the Mary’s hearth, Jesus gave us His Mother before he died, and she became our Mother. In response to this supreme demonstration of His love, let’s say the rest of our life this prayer: “Yes, she is my Mother. Jesus, I accept her and I ask you to lend me your Heart in order to love Mary as you love her.”
Translation made by: Gustavo Méndez Alejandro