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The Immaculate Conception
Ask Mary today to help you know her son
Author: Fr Simon Devereux LC | Source: Regnum Christi Live
Author: Fr Simon Devereux LC | Source: Regnum Christi Live

“A pure soul is like a fine pearl. As long as it is hidden in the shell, at the bottom of the sea, no one thinks of admiring it. But if you bring it into the sunshine, this pearl will shine and attract all eyes. Thus the pure soul, which is hidden from the eyes of the world, will one day shine before the Angels in the sunshine of eternity.” — The Cure of Ars
In Exodus 25 God commands that the Ark of the Covenant be plated inside and out with pure gold. Similarly, Catholics believe that Mary was preserved from original sin so as to be a worthy dwelling for the Son of God.
Ask Mary today to help you know her son, Jesus, better today and to experience His great love.