Can I change my mind?
Author: Fernando Pascual | Source:
There are people who believe that they will never change their minds. How they come to think so? There may be several answers, including some similar to the following.
The first: "I cannot change my mind because I studied enough about this issue." For real? Are there areas of knowledge that are "closed" and those who cannot learn anything else? Is it enough to study hard to reach an argument unshakable conclusions on it?
The second: "because this idea convinces me and I will not rob me "Okay, you convinced me. But it is not worth changing if the conviction is wrong?
The third: "the issue is confusing, and nobody is right about it, just choose what everyone prefers." This motif is extremely weak, because the confusion does not eliminate the deep desire that lies closer to the truth, and the duty of rigorous and courageous intellectual work to achieve it.
The fourth: "how I act in good faith, if I'm wrong God will not punish me". But the real "good faith" implies seriousness, and be open to new perspectives that can get me out of ingrained errors.
The fifth: "rethink everything costs a lot and welcome new arguments". You're right, but when it concerns the health of body and soul, it´s worth a new effort if they appear ideas that force me to question the opinions I considered "indisputable".
Can I change my mind? Yes, because I am a human being, because I have a mind capable of thinking, because I have a will that longs for the true good.
So I will not defend those opinions that seem to be part of my life as if they were indestructible. On the contrary, I'll live with a healthy openness of mind and heart to put aside everything to stay away from the truth and to receive all that come near me, even a little, to it.