Tips from St Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori to educate the children

Should not imitate certain fathers and mothers who do not meet this duty by the desire to keep busy to their children in other things. The consequence is that the unfortunate do not know confession, do not know the principal truths of the Faith, ignore what is the Holy Trinity, the incarnation of Jesus Christ, mortal sin, the trial, hell, the paradise eternity. Many times that ignorance is the cause of locking and their parents must give account to God for this.
It is also the duty of parents to monitor the conduct of the children, know the places and the people who attend.
The parents also sin if you do not care that their children receive the Sacraments, observe the feasts and other precepts of the Church.
Sin doubly, if they cause scandal when uttering in front of their children profanity, obscenity, or other words wrongful, or doing in front of them some bad action.
Parents are obliged to give good example to their children.
How can young people having a good conduct, when they see that their parents often blaspheme, cursed, injurian neighbor, uttering insults, speak of revenge, obscenity, and repeat certain maximum pestíferas as: "It is not necessary to worry about both; God is merciful, He tolerates certain sins"?
Saint Thomas said that, in some way, such parents force their children to sin.
There are parents who complain of having ill children; Jesus Christ said: Ever grew grapes from thorns? How can the children be good if they have bad parents? It would be necessary to a miracle.
It is also true that sometimes parents who give a bad example do not correct to their children even when they know that sin not to correct them.
Saint Thomas said that in this case a father must at least ask your child not to follow the bad example that gives you.
When parents give bad example, i say for my account, can not be expected any fruit or the warnings, nor of the prayers or punishments."
St Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori, Oeuvres Complétes - Oeuvres Ascétiques, Casterman Tournai, 1877, 2nd. ed., t. XVI, pp. 474-480.