
Ezekiel the Prophet
April 10, Prophet


Prophet, son of Buzi, exiled to Babylon about 598 BC. He began to prophesy five years later and continued for over twenty years. His prophecies form one of the books of the Old Testament and are given in forty-eight chapters. After a vision of the glory of the Lord, under various symbols, he foretells the fall of Jerusalem, its transgression, and the mark of those who are to be saved. He utters the destruction that will come on pagan nations and prophesies the restoration of Theocracy. God will demand penance, triumph over Gog and Magog, and establish a new kingdom of His own in which the city will be called, “The Lord is there” (Ezechiel 48). He is often quoted by Saint John in the Apocalypse; indeed there are many points of similarity between the writings of the Prophet and of the Apostle. He was buried in the sepulchre of Sem and Arphaxad, ancestors of Abraham. Many people were in the habit of going to his tomb to pray. Passages from the prophecy are read in the Divine Office during the first weeks of November.

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