
St. Joseph Oriol
March 23, Saint


Born poor. Studied at the University of Barcelona. Awarded a doctorate of theology on 1 August 1674. Ordained 30 May 1676. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy in 1686. Pope Innocent XI granted him a benefice at Santa Maria del Pino (Our Lady of the Pines), Barcelona, Spain, a parish he served for the rest of his life.

Wanted to evangelize infidels, and give himself over to martyrdom. On his way to Rome in April 1698 to ask to be a missionary, Joseph fell ill at Marseilles, France, and had a vision that gave him a new mission – revitalize the faith in his own back yard.

Returning home, he worked with the youngest of children and roughest of soldiers, and prayed without ceasing for the living and the dead. He wore a hair-shirt; lived for 26 years, half his life, solely on bread and water. Famed confessor, prophet, healer, and miracle worker, though many of the writers in his day and after have made him sound like some kind of medium or magician or somesuch.

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