
A Good Marriage

Advices about marriage.

Author: Bonnie Engstrom | Source: ingnitum today

My husband, Travis, and I are going on five years – five years of wedded bliss.
Of course five years of marriage doesn’t make me an expert but I have learned a few things along the way.  If I could go back to 25-year-old, engaged Bonnie these are a few of the things I’d tell my much thinner self:

– Travis snores, but so do you.  Don’t complain.
– Don’t take it personally when he doesn’t rave about every dinner you make.
– Calm down about holiday traditions.  When you have kids they will help form the traditions.
– Have a plan for laundry.  You will hate it more with every year and additional child so figure out something now.
– Travis will tease you about your fear of mice and bugs that jump; think of a good comeback now.
– That comeback could involve his intense dislike of the crunching sound bugs make when you squish them.
– Travis thinks it’s hilarious to catch crickets and put them on floating pieces of toilet paper so they’re waiting for you when you need to go to the bathroom.  Watch out.
– When you have kids a lot of people will tell you how to parent.  Only listen to Mom.
– When you’re both working live off his paycheck and use yours to pay off debts and create an emergency fund.
– When you become pregnant with your first baby don’t waste any time worrying.  Just celebrate the life in your womb.
– There will come a day when, while reading aloud to Travis,  you pronounce monotonies “mo-no-to-nees” and he’ll just smile and say, “That happens sometimes.”  He’s that kind of a man.  Keep him happy.
– Don’t complain when he wants to hang out with his friends or family, just graciously support him.
– White carpet is a bad idea, dark tan is as light as you can go until your children are all grown.
– Don’t compare yourself to others.

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