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Commandments and Spirituality |
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Por: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Fuente: Catholic.net |

According to more or less recent criticism, the Catholic Church would insist much on living the commandments and offer little spirituality to the baptized to fulfill them.
Criticism is erroneous, but it allows us to reflect on a central aspect of the Christian life: the encounter with Christ.
Because We are not Catholics simply to live according to certain rules, to keep the commandments, to achieve a good ethical level.
We Are Catholics because before we have discovered the Love so great that God has us and that has manifested in the Incarnation of the Son.
"This is love: Not that we have loved God, but that He loved us and sent us his Son as the propitiation for our sins. Dear, if God loved us in this way, we too must love each other "(1Jn 4.10 11).
The first thing, always, is to let yourself be loved. Only those who feel loved, who discover that their sins attract the merciful look of God, can initiate a change of radical conversion.
Without that discovery, we can surely do good deeds, but we will not reach the fullness of love or comprehend the complete meaning of human existence.
Also, in the face of so many weaknesses, sins, injustices, we need to discover that without God we are not able to start a new life and that God came into the world to reveal the Way to true love.
"Indeed, when we were still without strength, at the appointed time, Christ died for the Wicked" (Rm 5.6). From that moment, the weak began to have a wonderful inner strength.
For This Reason, a good Catholic nourishes his heart from the true spirituality, from the reception of God who comes and beggars our love, and that causes changes before unsuspected.
To live the commandments, to work for the good of the Church and men, to proclaim the Gospel to those who do not know Christ, are simple consequences of a rich spirituality, born from the experience of love.
Is when we can make our words of St. Paul: "And I do not live, but it is Christ who lives in me; The life I live to present in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me "(Ga 2.20).